End of Season Party Kind of Weekend

Let the good times keep on rolling! Winter might be getting long for some, but not for Ohio Skiers and Snowboarders. Our edge-to-edge coverage is still available for you to slip, slide, and carve your way around the Resort! Our Crew is always utilizing the power and precision of our Pisten Bully Snow Cat fleet of groomers to maintain the slopes for you to have a great time out here!
This End of Season Party Weekend will be a blast and forecasted to be sunny! All Trails will be available. All Lifts still in operation as needed. Terrain Parks will have features placed again. The good times we love and all look forward to are still going! Normal Hours through Sunday, March 9th for Skiing, Snowboarding, and Snow Tubing. Buy Now »
Beyond this, our hope is to offer a Bonus Weekend with Normal Hours Friday, March 14th- Sunday, March 16th. The forecast looks to warm-up quite a bit next week, so we will Suspend Operations Monday, March 10th- Thursday, March 13th and let you know by the 13th if weather and conditions hold-up to make the Bonus Weekend happen. We want to offer you as much fun as possible, for as many days as possible. Please stay tuned!
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