FAQs: Children's Program


  1. I don't see any dates or times to book?
  2. Will you be feeding my child?
  3. We have our own equipment, is there a discount?
  4. What if I need to cancel my reservation?
  5. What does the day look like for my kids?
  6. Are there multi day packages or Season Passes for the Children's Program?


Q. I don't see any dates or times to book?

A listing of available dates and times for the Program will be posted when we have an opening date in sight and the Program usually kicks off the 2nd Saturday in December weather permitting. 

Q. Will you be feeding my child?

A mid-session snack such as pretzels and goldfish will be provided, but students should eat a full breakfast or lunch before arrival so they can be energized for an exciting day. Students should bring a water bottle when possible, but we will also have beverages available for those who do not.

Q. We have our own equipment, is there a discount?

There is no discount for the program including those who have their own equipment. 

Q. What if I need to cancel my reservation?

We understand life happens. Please fill out a reservation change form so we can reschedule your needs and free up your booking for other guests to attend. We require a 48 hour form your original booking date and time to guaranteed a reschedule of your visit. 

Q. What does the day look like for my kids?

Sample Itinerary

Morning Sessions (Peak Days)
8:30AM Arrival and Check-In begins at the Children’s Learning Center
9:00AM Program Begins
9:15AM Students go outside for on-snow lesson with Instructor
11:00AM Snack break
11:20AM Students back outside for on-snow lesson with Instructor
12:20PM Students come inside to prepare for pickup
12:25PM Parents begin to arrive for pickup

Afternoon Sessions (Peak Days)
1:30PM Arrival and Check-In begins at the Children’s Learning Center
2:00PM Program Begins
2:15PM Students go outside for on-snow lesson with Instructor
4:00PM Snack break
4:20AM Students back outside for on-snow lesson with Instructor
5:20PM Students come inside to prepare for pickup
5:25PM Parents begin to arrive for pickup

Q. Are there multi day packages or Season Passes for the Children's Program?

There are not.  All sessions are individually booked and priced. 

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